Hello 2017

Hello 2017. Goodbye 2016. I am looking forward to 2017. I will be starting a new career, and finally after trying out different options and career paths in the last few years, I am finally embarking on one more truer to heart - and for that I am thankful.

In 2016, I experienced first hand the difficulties of the construction / M&E industry. Rarely have I been pushed to my limits, but there were many instances when I felt both lost and out of depth.

But there’s always a silver lining. Through the job, I found a true friend.

Moving forward, 2016 also marked an important period where I spent significant time as a stay at home dad taking care of S Junior. As a dad, it struck me how difficult it was and yet, potentially how rewarding it could also be - especially when my son ended up becoming more attached to me. Yet, there were many times that I struggled as a dad.

2017 turned out well in that we managed to travel to both Hong Kong and Perth with S Junior. I even get to flew Suites to Hong Kong - which was a definite “Life’s Checklist” moments. Perth was a different adventure, we went with friends to attend a wedding and it was a good deviation from our usual holiday.