2024 - Where did the years go?

I am now in my 40s! My last blog post was in 2019, just after a post-op appendicitis removal. This last few years has been a journey of growth and discovery. I took the opportunity to reevaluate my priorities. What truly matters to me? Family, health, career, and personal fulfilment have become central themes.


Kids really do grow up so fast. In a blink of an eye, they are now 9 and 6. I have already observed signs this year where my son is smarter than me! I am now obsolete!

Health and Wellness

With age comes the realization that health is paramount. Last year was particularly eye-opening for me; I faced a couple of health scares that made me acutely aware of my well-being. I experienced an issue with my vision known as Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR), which caused fluid buildup in my right eye. Suddenly, straight lines appeared wavy, distorting my perception of the world around me. It was a frightening reminder of how fragile our health can be. Luckily, it resolved after a few months.

Additionally, I dealt with a horrible breakout of rashes Pityriasis rosea that seemed to be triggered by a viral response. The discomfort and uncertainty were unsettling, forcing me to confront the importance of self-care more seriously than ever before. These experiences have led me to prioritize fitness and nutrition in ways I hadn’t considered before. Regular exercise, balanced meals, and the occasional mindfulness practices have become important to me.


I just started a new phase of my career, and it has been scary. I currently feel quite out of my comfort zone, but hopefully, it will get better. I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by mentors and colleagues who have played a crucial role in my growth — encouraging me to push boundaries and strive for excellence. Their guidance has been invaluable, and it has inspired me to pay it forward by building strong teams myself.

One motivational quote that has stuck with me for the last five years is “Be better than yesterday.” This mantra serves as a daily reminder to continually improve — not just for myself but also for those around me. As I cultivate my teams, I aim to create an environment where everyone feels empowered to grow and succeed together.

Personal Fulfilment

In my 40s, I’ve discovered the importance of pursuing passions that ignite my spirit. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, exploring creative outlets, or traveling to new places, this decade is about embracing what makes me feel alive. Friendships can evolve over time, but in my 40s, I’ve learned the value of surrounding myself with supportive and inspiring people.

What will 2025 bring? Hopefully more fulfilment in the above categories. I thought a little about travel experiences, and realised that since 2019, travel was limited due to kids, and this little flu-like virus called Covid. After travel resumption, we did travel a fair bit, which inspired me to restart a travel map creation. However, travel had been to child-friendly places, and saw us re-visiting locations that we had been before. Looking ahead, perhaps the theme for next year should be about adventure, about new locations.