Time to Buck Up

when one door closes.. another opens…

we are often so preoccupied with the loss of some opportunities that we tend to miss the new opportunities present to us. I have been lucky at my career. It has not been the smoothest of paths but I am happy with what chances and opportunities it has given me thus far. Its going to be a challenging year ahead.. and that just means it is time to work harder!

Anyway, I am seriously getting fatter. Weighing in at about 65 kg now, and it is definitely not muscle mass gained. UNFORTUNATELY. Haha…

I am once again spurred by sudden motivation to start exercising and whipping my body back into shape. This feeling has came and gone for quite a few times in my life and I have to admit that each moment of burst has at least forced me to keep in relatively decent shape which is still a good thing. Yet, consistency is the key if I want to achieve my dream of a fit, muscular body, but I have all too often let myself lose to the laziness.

J describes it as a typical roller coaster ride. You go up and down. And that’s true. When struggling to survive, us humans will do everything it takes to pull through. Yet, once they reach a pace of survival, things slow down, they start becoming complacent, and down you go again. The cycle keeps repeating.

Well, how long will this new found momentum be able to carry itself? I doubt it will last more than a week or two to be honest, what with work getting in the way and all. I can’t blame it on anything other than myself considering that there’s a gym in the office but I hardly use it, more keen to head home instead of spending precious time there. Perhaps its a mentality that I should be changing. Let’s see how the next few weeks take me.

I have also started on new interest activities. Instead of just keeping it to the gym and weights, I am also now exploring, running. It’s part of technology in action, with my geeky setup for jogging.

Bluetooth earphones linked up with a GPS phone that measures the distance + calories burnt of my run :)

Everything connects easily and it just works (though some might say the initial setup is a PITA). Actually, knowing how far you run and how fast you run is a great motivator. But, the challenge of carrying a phone with you while running is a genuine problem and even if you can, there is also a problem of water ingression, which can drive many gadgets conker. The particular pair of bluetooth earphones died after a few vigourous runs after exposure to sweat. Phone survived though, I ran most times with an armband strap. Do note that the cheaper ones are not waterproof and can be stained with your sweat.