boy (or girl), what do you want to be when you grow up?
Isn’t that a typical question? I can’t remember my answer to that question, to some extents I guess work always appeared very much a burden to me. There were only that few jobs or supposedly big words a kid is expected to know.. let’s see, the usual list probably goes like this, “engineer, doctor, lawyer, architect, teacher and the ubiquitous fireman and policeman”. Or perhaps those were the few jobs that I know, that people felt deserved the recognition from such a vocation. I couldn’t remember what I said then, but besides the usual computer stuff, which I am so inclined to, I guess I always had a thing for design or at least, just daydreaming.
The younger me, always had a passion for re-modelling of my room, but that didn’t turned out so good considering how my room looks actually, haha. I think I have shifted the furniture around my room quite a number of times now, and its probably like revision 4.2704 (attempting to being geeky here). Before I would start out, I would have multiple drawings of how my room would look, I guess, from isometric and both top down viewpoints, no talent though, especially considering how my art was :). That was around the late primary/early secondary school days.
A tinge of nolstagia, as I grew older, I still dabbled in this interest, and when my dad gotten the Punggol place, he did asked me how I wanted my room to be, etc. I guess, quite lucky that the following pictures survived my multiple hard drives formatting and loss of other files.

Well, I guess it’s something I enjoy doing, regardless of how the end product might look. Perhaps, I had wanted to be an interior designer / architect then. I can’t recall exactly whether the above was influenced by the REAL interior designer, but the design is still quite different from what actually turned out, so perhaps, it was something I came up with, haha. Well, I am now, an engineer and a soldier, still jobs that are in some ways, part of the list, very much socially acceptable jobs. No, I am not saddened by how things turned out, never felt I could succeed as an interior designer or some computer geek anyway.