long Overdue Entry


  • on - course. Whew, finally some time off to actually write down my thoughts. And this time is largely due to me being on a first aid couse which I rather not been attending. Work is piling up as I waste my time here.

I have assumed my appointment for more than a month already and the learning curve has been steep. Yet, somehow, it has also been kind to me when compared to some of my peers I suppose. Though that might not be the case so soon as the weight of my appointments as both funds and training manager is about to land on me.

Work has been a myraid of adventures, from technical knowledge to human management to handling personal issues like compassionate leave, family problems. Its really mind boggling and really an eye opener for me. Yes, to be commissioned as an officer, gives me the privilege and authority to make certain judgement calls. Yet, its really not easy to lead and manage the various things at hand.

Despite that, I guess I still feel some interest in how this job will both develop and train me. I don’t know how long this interest will last though and I suspect its burning out actually, haha… So till then, guess I really need to continue working hard. My personal life though has really been consumed by work. Weekends are precious yet often, just breeze by without having much opportunity to rest and each work week begins with a tired me dragging my self on Monday. I miss my social life hehe. Or even if it was non existent before, even more so now.