officer Cadet Commissioning.. 51/03 -> 68/07

I first stepped into OCS 5 years ago, fresh from BMT as a chao recruit, to begin life as a 1-bar cadet. Disrupting for studies and coming back once again to finally be commissioned, has really been long awaited, and yet, rather dreaded as well. I guess, not being conditioned both mentally and physically for the OCS culture played some part there, as the few of us long term cadets really suffered in terms of physical fitness. We were to partake in IPPT and that was one bad experience as we had been having parade rehearsals and we weren’t fit enough to handle so much physical exertions, ending up with sores and muscle cramps. Mentally, there is some difference in the way we react compared to the younger guys, in terms of the urgency in doing things and guess for the few of us lao-jiaos, we just want to get things done efficiently and fast.

I always had the impression that the commissioning parade rehearsals / the 3 week joint term would be a chance for me to take a break from the stress of work, but fate had to work its magic and I ended up being selected to be the Contingent Commander, which resulted in more responsibilities and work being entrusted to me. One of the difficult thing I faced was that I only knew the minority, and 75% of the people who will be working together with me have not seen me before and in that sense, hard to seek the cooperation with them at times. Despite that, luckily, everything proceeded rather smoothly, there definitely were hiccups but most have been resolved. The other responsibility of the role is of course the drills, and I kept getting scolded =), more to come in the final week. Not being in any uniform group cca before, always just blending in with the crowd in my army days, and now expected to carry out this role was asking quite a bit from me.

Anyway, its all coming to a close on the 15th of March. To all who is reading this, you are cordially invited and it would be my utmost pleasure to see you all there in OCS for the 68/07 OCC Commissioning Parade!
