From a normal cleaning scheduled at my camp’s dental clinic, led to being referred to Alexandra Hospital for a wisdom tooth operation, and to extract 3 at one go. T.T Aye, they weren’t giving me problems (yet) but having seen how my old wisdom tooth had affected me, it was something that was better removed, especially now that I’m still free. Anyway, day of my operation went by smoothly, thanks to jiali keeping me company! I was in and out of the dentist chair in less than 15 minutes, couple of jabs per tooth, a little sawing, some jerk and pull and all 3 teeth were out. Much better than my previous wisdom tooth op, which took me almost an hour and seeing the dentist grinding away in your mouth is definitely not an experience worth repeating. Kept constantly thinking how great it was this time around and how much faster compared to previously.. haha.. but I guess, hmm, to give my previous dentist some credit, though he hardly deserve it, the previous case could have been more complicated…
Oh well, besides the constant bleeding, swelling, pain in talking, chewing, it wasn’t all that bad, get to stay at home and grind away on Lunia and the occasional DOTA games.. But gosh to those who say MC for wisdom tooth is shuang, and to say that actually don’t need MC and fit to go back and work, I don’t agree at all! I rather work, save my 400+ dollars, eat normally, talk normally, don’t have to worry about bleeding, or stuffing sanitary pad-like gauze into your mouth to soak up the blood, or the sian-ness in eating porridge day after day. But its OVER! Oh well, the daily grinding of Lunia was quite fun, its an online MMORPG that does have a story, and individual quests, like Diablo, so just been at it everyday, and well, finally.. completed! (in a way). Not a bad game, haha.. and its free, so hey!
Oh well, in hoping that the tooth fairy does indeed exist and that she comes visiting once in awhile, I have three new tooth to add to my collection, which shouldn’t be increasing in the near future! More importantly I guess, is the feeling that at least one more problem less to worry about. Hmm, and that they will not be around to cause any more undesired pain… Can’t wait to being able to eat normally once again!