My E61…
My phone might only be a year old, but it does
look like it had gone through quite a fair bit. Have to say, though this is
the most expensive phone I own to date, it is the one with the worst
condition. Just looking at the back plate is enough to give me shudders, not
to mentioned the multiple nicks and cracks at the corners. It’s a miracle the
phone is still working.. keeps fingers crossed
As I foresee myself continuing to use this phone quite a fair bit in the near future, thanks to its added non-functionality of having no camera as well as the very useful GPS navigation, it was time to revamp the phone!
The casing from Hong Kong arrived today, at a cost of 18 SGD, with half of it attributed to shipping charges. The installation process required a unique Torx T6 screwdriver and though one came with the package, it was of the wrong size and I had to purchase another one, more cost incurred. Oh well, at least it worked! And here it is, presenting my E61, black casing, refreshed :) Hope this casing iwill last longer as compared to its predecessor.