flying Off

Off to America, currently at the airport, waiting for my colleague so that we can check in. Have been so busy recently that everything is just rush rush and the quality of my work is indeed suspect.. I cant just go off in peace too! Down with the flu since last week and it is still bugging me now! Gahhh.. haha.. I have no idea what im going to do in utah or san francisco, with nothing researched thus far, and actually with work taking up most of my time, there’s not much to do but yet surprisingly, why do i have just so much luggage.. I like the travel light concept but that no longer seems to be working, heh. Anyhow, this will be a 10 day break from work due to local leave extension.. Definitely looking forward to just resting at home.. Might not be a good idea but what the heck, work must go on without me, and decisions can go on without me too!