After losing all my files on my harddisk. It took me about a couple of hours to set up my computer, install the OS, and that’s it, feels like I’m back to normal. All I need is a web browser and a messenger tool. Is that true? The other applications serve to make my life easier, like office applications, media players etc and are easily replaceable. Hence no big loss that those were gone. On a daily basis, most of the information required is retrievable off the net and I hardly assess personal files. This whole experience also made me...…
when It Rains... It Pours
Bad things come in droves. Period. Let’s have a mini re-cap… my poor old grandma was warded to hospital again, suspected due to intestinal virus, resulting in extreme case of diarrhoea and fever. But she is getting better as every day passes by so that’s indeed something to look forward to. Making matters worse, my computer harddisk suffered a premature death, hence I am now surfing/using my laptop, thank goodness for it. This time around, it is not a software failure and rather, the harddisk is just not able to be detected and that means the only solution is to...…
just Another Weekend
A common trend nowadays for my posts just seems to centralise around a certain something, and that something is really that I have lost control of my life. Alot of it stems from me wanting to retrieve that Command and Control over my daily routine, life etc. I look back in wonders to those University days, having the time to exercise, to go to the gym, able to actually read through all my RSS feeds, getting satiated on those technological news and what not. It is so different as compared to now where I no longer feel control of my...…
running Routes
I happened to stumble upon this website, or its parent site, which well, basically helps those who wants to monitor their exercise program in a more structured way of doing so. Pretty user friendly and erm.. well it doesn’t force me to exercise, at least knowing the rough distance I am covering might help spur me on to train more. Hence, I plotted the usual running route I take around my estate to determine how far I normally cover and the shorter route is only around 2km, sheesh.. not even that of an IPPT run. Anyway, I shall...…
tired Out
I just want to find sometime to leave a note here, even though I’m so busy at work, though that statement itself can probably be subjected to tons of scrutiny by many other colleagues who have toiled much harder than me. Normally I would blog about trips and all that but the recent bangkok trip will leave it to next time for updates. It was fun though, and looking forward to the next getaway from work. A short trip perhaps? …
overdue For Some Randomness
Time really flies especially when one is busy. So much so that many things are just left undone. Twinkle of an eye and I am already 24, sheesh. I thought the holiday month could give me some time to rest but work and the stress level is still quite high. …