My E61… My phone might only be a year old, but it does look like it had gone through quite a fair bit. Have to say, though this is the most expensive phone I own to date, it is the one with the worst condition. Just looking at the back plate is enough to give me shudders, not to mentioned the multiple nicks and cracks at the corners. It’s a miracle the phone is still working.. keeps fingers crossed …
it's June Already!?
Currently on night shift this week, and this couple of nights have been good to me, allowing me to reach home by around 1:45am? Haha, compared to my first week on night duty, this has been rather pleasant. Even now, perhaps still feeling the effects of the coffee, I am unable to sleep and still feeling rather awake hence this late night post. Have turned on the aircon and waiting for the temperature to lower abit before turning in for the night. I still have a couple of blog posts outstanding or kept in phone but with the lack of...…
car Buying
After a week of attempts to leave work early to shop for cars ended disappointingly with some days actually leaving later than normal, i finally got down to visiting car showrooms and test driving the cars i was interested in. Surprisingly or perhaps just being plain fickle minded, the fit was no longer a consideration. …
long Overdue Entry
Blogging on - course. Whew, finally some time off to actually write down my thoughts. And this time is largely due to me being on a first aid couse which I rather not been attending. Work is piling up as I waste my time here. I have assumed my appointment for more than a month already and the learning curve has been steep. Yet, somehow, it has also been kind to me when compared to some of my peers I suppose. Though that might not be the case so soon as the weight of my appointments as both funds and...…
commissioned. Finally
15th of March came and went, yet it was a day of many memories, and more importantly, closing off a chapter in my life. Been working (or at least I thought I had been) quite hard for this event and now just feeling bittersweet that it’s over. The 1 hour 20 min on the parade square went by like a blur, as compared to the many rehearsals we had. We were also quite lucky in the sense that the new SSM that took over believed in more practical training methods as opposed to stern punishment and hey, I went through...…
the Forgotten Entry In Between
Finally able to take a breather, as the joys of commissioning dies down and as the administration + logistics of the event comes to a close. Amidst the downloading of photos from others as well as browsing my own set of photos, I came across the photos of recent events such as RCGC/RGDI, the airshow which breezed through as part of the entire joint term. …